Whiplash and Chiropractic

In this discussion, I will talk about what is whiplash. What are the symptoms? Treatments options? And why is it a big deal?

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when there is a sudden movement of the neck backward and forwards. This type of injury typically happens in a car accident or while playing a sport. The injury can often result in soft tissue injuries (tearing of tendon, ligament, muscle fibers) or disc herniations. Extreme cases involve fractured bones. 

hockey players sports injury whiplash

A patient can state to have been in a car accident but present with no symptoms at all. Those patients would be diagnosed with Grade 0 whiplash. Here are the others

Grade 1 - neck pain, stiffness, or tenderness only. No physical symptoms.

Grade 2 - neck pain AND musculoskeletal sign(s). Musculoskeletal signs can include reduced range of motion and point tenderness.

Grade 3 - neck pain AND neurological signs (i.e., Numbness or tingling in arms or legs, weakness, or loss of balance)

Grade 4 - neck pain AND fracture or dislocation.



Other symptoms can include nausea, migraines, and loss of energy. Additionally, if a patient was involved in a significant car accident, work-related accident, or sports injury, then the chances of suffering a concussion increase, which opens up a whole other can of worms. The treatment options for most of these patients come in the form of (in no particular order)

  1. Medical doctors, including family practitioners, orthopedic specialists, neurologists, surgeons, or pain specialists, will often prescribe pain medications and muscle relaxants. 

  2. Chiropractors can adjust the injured area using their hands or other instruments and adjunctive therapies (EMS, ultrasound, cervical traction device, etc.) when needed.

  3. Physical Therapists can improve the patient's movement or offer rehab exercises to strengthen injured muscles. 

  4. Others - Occupational Therapists, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists.

Although chiropractic has become more popular during the past 15-20 years, we still have a long way to go. A recent study published by Palmer College indicates

"About half of adults in the U.S. have had some experience with a chiropractor as a patient."



This also means the other half of the population has not.

man receiving chiropractic treatment after car accident

So, why is all this such a big deal? Because long-term effects come at a high physical and financial cost for the patient. If left untreated, the physical damage accumulates to increased disc degeneration or increased headaches, neck pain, back pain, and overall poor quality of life. The possibility of expensive medications, injections, surgeries, and ongoing doctors' office visits increases. We, as healthcare providers, are left with having to put Humpty Dumpty back together again with unreasonable expectations. It's a reality I have dealt with during my 15 years of practice. I am not faulting the patient necessarily; it's more of a testament to our conventional way of thinking about health and the failure of chiropractic to make its message clear. Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment if you have suffered an injury from a car accident.

So, in conclusion, I hope this has provided you with an increased awareness of whiplash injuries and encouraged you to seek out treatment when needed (even if it is with medical doctors! 🤦🏻😉). I promise you will live a much happier and healthier life with a proactive mentality. 


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